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Ensuring Etsy Variants Remain Connected to Artelo Products
Ensuring Etsy Variants Remain Connected to Artelo Products

Dealing with Etsy listings once they're connected to Artelo productions.

Daniela avatar
Written by Daniela
Updated over 7 months ago

Note: We may link you to this article if you're experiencing the notification "Your listing variants were disconnected"

Why Do Listings Become Disconnected?

When you connect your Etsy listings to our platform, we synchronize important details such as variant options, SKUs, and other listing data using Etsy's API. This allows us to accurately fulfill orders based on the information provided.

This is a known issue related to the Etsy API and it is a function of Etsy deleting and then recreating the variant IDs that Artelo and other apps use to identify specific variants. Once the variant IDs are deleted (which is done whenever changes are made on Etsy) the variant becomes disconnected on Artelo.

The following actions on Etsy can cause your listings to become disconnected:

Deleting Variants: If you delete a variant in Etsy, our platform will no longer recognize that variant, causing a disconnection.

Modifying SKUs: Changing the SKU of a variant in Etsy breaks the link between that variant and our platform, as SKUs are also used as a key identifier.

Modifying Variant Options: Changes to options like size, color, or other attributes can also result in a disconnection because the variant data no longer matches the information stored in our system.

How to Reconnect Disconnected Listings

If your listings become disconnected, you will need to reconnect them to continue processing orders seamlessly. Here’s how you can do it:

1. Log into Our Platform:

• Navigate to the “Listings” section in your account dashboard.

2. Identify Disconnected Listings:

• Look for any listings marked as disconnected or with a warning indicating that variants need to be reconnected. You may also get an in-app notification.

3. Reconnect Variants:

• For each disconnected listing, click the “Reconnect” button.

• You will be prompted to match the variants from Etsy with those in our platform.

• Review the variants, update the SKU or options if necessary, and save the changes.

4. Confirm the Reconnection:

• Once you have matched all variants, confirm the reconnection to ensure that the listings are properly synced.

5. Resync Your Listings:

• After reconnection, you can resync your listings to make sure all details are up to date.

Tips for Avoiding Disconnections

  • Use Artelo for listing changes: Always use Artelo for your listing edits. This ensures your variations don't get disconnected.

  • Plan Changes Carefully: Before making any changes to variants or SKUs on Etsy, consider the impact on your listings within our platform.

  • Regularly Check Your Listings: Periodically review your connected listings to ensure they are properly synced and that there are no disconnections.

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